Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good feast! I just love eating turkey on Thanksgiving. My absolute favorite meal of all time. I can't tell you how much I love it (did I say I love it?)
What else do I love??? I love soccer and just can't get enough of it. I give thanks for Fox Soccer Channel which gives me the power to watch Manchester United on the Premier League review show on Sunday nights.
Can you tell that I already miss my CSM soccer team and the season has barely been over for 3 weeks? I want to thank the team for an enjoyable season.
I am rambling a bit but here on Thanksgiving eve I also want to give thanks for my family (my wife and 2 kids) as well as my CSM soccer family. We are all "there" for each other through thick and thin, victory and defeat, as well as getting stuck in the mud with a van or a bus (see past blogs if you want to know what that means.)
The next thing on the soccer team's agenda is to help out at CSM basketball games, taking money at the gate, selling concessions, taping the game, etc. One of our soccer players is also a basketball player (Kira Cross.) The manager of the b-ball team is also a soccer player--our own Mollie Jones (MoJo.) We are working the games on the 28th and the 1st. Come and support the b-ball team if you can and say "Hi" to both basketball and soccer players!
The team has a break from soccer and conditioning until mid January, when we start our Xplosive Edge training. There won't be much news in the next few months unless we have recruits sign. I am hot on the recruiting trail now and hope to sign a few more to bolster our talented team. Wish me luck!